Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moving in new directions

So Leah and I just moved into Sara and Preston Watterson's home on Monday. It has been two great nights already and much fun. I know everything is and will work out according to GOD's plan.
That does not mean that I do not worry though.
We will see what happens and hope and pray for us to follow GOD's will and direction He has for our lives.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

no regrets but its hard

sometimes i miss the past. i want to dwell in it and maybe choose a different direction than i did just to see what it would have led to. there are so many paths that we push aside or frankly ignore. we are presented with situations in life where we can choose one path, which may seem bad and shaky to people, or we can chose the path which you are already trekking along.
i wish i could relive the past and see where it would have taken me.

the things i know

i sometimes think i know things and then a curve ball, sledgehammer comes at me and i am thrown off the rocker. I am forced to realize that i am very ignorant and do not know anything. i do know this: things can and will be different than they are now. I am not saying good or bad, just not the same as now or before. the future is unwritten, at least for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Walking the talk

It feels good to write. It is a way of releasing the stress or pressure. It helps in helping someone kick back and relax. There are many reasons why people write. Maybe to express their emotions, or maybe because they need to get their thoughts on paper. As for me, i like writing because it feels good to express my thoughts, however random and sponanteous they may be, on paper.(virutal or real)

There once was a man
Who had a white coat

He wore it everyday
Even when it snowed

No matter where he went
No matter where he'd go

He would always where that coat
He would never let it go

One day while walking
down a path less traveled

He stumbled upon a man
Who had been beaten to a pulp

This man seemed desperate
This man was in need

And as our friend came walking
His heart was full of empathy

He took off his coat
laid it gently around the man

And as the man said, "Thank you"
He was placed upon a shoulder

Our man walked quickly
but without stumble or trip

He walked and he walked
Until he came to 'Pine Crick'

And there he laid the man
His coat still wrapped around him

On the place where he would stay
Til "heaven" came and found him

A few years later
the man was walking

Down a dreary path
That had been long forgotten

And as he walked
He saw a woman lying down

She said,"Sir, will you help me?"

And he stopped and thought
About the time his life was saved

How a man came and gave him
The coat that he now gave

To the woman that was crying
For she knew she was saved

And as this story
Comes to a close

There is no moral
No rule to follow

Except that when you are called
You should be eager to follow

Your own personalized Starbucks drink

Instinct can be defined as something that you are born with to ensure your own survival. Having instincts is a good thing. It allows flexibility. It allows for room to grow because things change. Every moment is different from the one before it and the one after. No two snowflakes are the same. This just goes to show that everyone is different, unique, and has their own definition. I wonder why people try to conform, then, to the pattern of this world. That pattern is ambiguous and every-changing. It does not keep its shape for long. And yet, we want to be defined by our surroundings...Okay. Hold on a minute. I do not think you are understanding what I am trying to say here. Or I might not be communicating it with clarity...Okay, so what i am trying to say is that people want to be like everyone else, when, everyone else is completely different from the person right next to them. Being normal can be, and is, defined by each individual. Now, when people "agree" on something, that becomes the "norm" and is what people use to define themselves. From the clothes we wear, to the food we eat, to the places we go, we are looking for the definition that best illustrates who we want to be and who we "are." We are just trying to fit in with everyone so that we do not look like some oddball. There is an outcast in every culture and no one wants to be associated with the outcasts, the weirdys, or the stinky people. Being different is "wrong" in our culture and yet everyone is trying to fit in by being their own self, an individual. It is quite ironic, do you not think?
Okay. I am done. I do not know why i felt i needed to say those things. I guess i was just in the mood or something. Catch ya later.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


so school has started. i have had all of my classes. i have Greek tomorrow.
things are going well. leah and i had a good conversation concerning marraige. ya know when and how i would ask. it will either be this summer or the next i dont. we are just talking. no planning yet anyway.
well since i am here at school i know that
things will come up and i will type some
more later on.
if anyone ever read these pages and messages
can you let me know.
my email is
i would just like to know. if not then sweet i am now talking to myself.
peace out

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my little black book

i just got a new poetry/ journal/ notebook to record my thoughts and prayers and poems and ideas in. it is really cool. it is black and leather. i love it. it is very special to me because my girlfriend who is very special to me gave it to me. what a thoughtful and wonderful person she is to me. i really do appreciate her.

well i know that i have not written very much. not since february. i will do my best to write 3 things a month from now on. hopefully more though.
if you are reading this i appreciate that you are taking
time out of your busy schedule to read these petty words.
i hope that you enjoy what i have to say.

ill write soon

wishful thoughts

this is a story all out about how my life got flipped and turned upside down.
now i'd to take a minute so just sit right there
i'm gonna tell how i ate a banana cream pie
... ... ... ...
What do you wish for?
better yet do you wish at all?
you should. i believe you should because i believe that wishes are prayers
you can pray/ wish for anything you want. anything at all.
you could wish for fresh banana's at the store the next morning.
not neccessarily for you to eat, but maybe for others.
what if someone was running by the store and they became overwhelmed with
a huge cramp? what would they do? they could ask someon, a nice person
to go into the store and buy them banana's. but not just any banana's. no
they had to be fresh banana's because non-fresh banana's do not have the amount of potassium
that fresh ones do. so because you wished/ prayed for fresh banana's at the store the next morning, that runner, who could've lost his leg or even died of cramping too much, was saved. good job wishing.
so next time you think that wishing is a waste of time, just remember this story and maybe you will change someone's life forever.
i wish that you will wish.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

living under The influence

there once was a man
he did not live in
accordance to the people
around him, but lived
in such a way that made
the world shun him
not that he was bad per say
but he did things
outside the box
he was just misunderstood
he was just misjudged
nevertheless he still
walked around with his
head up high
always looking toward the Sun
for guidance during the day
for guidance during the night

he was a man that bled
just like everyone else around him
he suffered and cried and laughed
he swam and went on
adventures with his buddies
yet he was still an
"out-of-bounds" guy
he did not play by the rules
infact he made his own rules

this man was born
this man lived a life
this man died

let us have a moment
of silence for him
he led a great life
one could even say
the best life out there
his life is still talked about
people remember him
what he say'd
what he did
where he went
whom he met
there was just something about him
that was attractive
not his face
nor his hands
perhaps it was
his voice and presence
yes, that is it

i wonder if anyone will remember me
and for what
what have i done
what will i do
what am i doing
and is it for me
or is it for others

all i know is
is that that man,
this man lives

my dirty cup over flows

1. my perverse ways
are controversial
to the community of
Imperfect persons
swimming toward
their own telos
Through Love and Peace
we see the oranges
of our dirty shoes,
of our cauloused hands
If we are intentionally incarnational
then windows and doors will
open and the calm air of
Christ will stir the
stagnant lifestyle
of our faith

2. make us kindergardeners
so that things around
us become shined on,
lightened, so in
turn we change our
clothes of bricks to
clear and trasparent
armor being shown to all